dental implants perth
Dental Implants

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants Perth, a revolutionary solution in modern dentistry, offer a durable, long-lasting, and aesthetically pleasing option for replacing missing teeth.

In its simplest form, a dental implant is a small, usually titanium, device that serves as an artificial tooth root. It's carefully placed into the jaw bone where a tooth has been lost due to causes such as gum disease, tooth decay, or injury. This implant then integrates with the surrounding bone, providing a stable base for the placement of a prosthetic tooth or dental crown. For those seeking experienced dentists in Perth specializing in dental implants, our dental clinic in South Perth offers expert care and consultation services.

The key appeal of dental implants lies in their ability to mimic the form and function of natural teeth. Dental crowns are custom-made to match your natural teeth’ colour, shape, and size, ensuring a flawless blend with your smile. Unlike other teeth replacement options, dental implants address the visible part of the tooth and the root beneath the gum line. This comprehensive approach to replacing teeth helps maintain jaw bone health, prevents the shifting of adjacent teeth, and offers a solution that feels, functions and appears just like your natural teeth.

The Impact of Missing Teeth

Losing a tooth can profoundly affect multiple aspects of life, from self-esteem and confidence to oral health. While a missing tooth might initially seem like a purely aesthetic concern, the consequences go far beyond appearance.

When a tooth is lost, it leaves a gap that can cause the neighboring teeth to shift, leading to a change in the bite and the overall alignment of the teeth. This shift can lead to difficulties in chewing and speaking, contributing to the degradation of oral function. Furthermore, the absence of a tooth can lead to bone loss over time, as the jaw bone requires stimulation from the tooth’s root to maintain its volume and density. This lack of stimulation can weaken the bone, affecting the overall structure of the face and leading to a prematurely aged appearance.

Effects on Confidence and Self-Esteem

The aesthetic impact of missing teeth can also significantly affect self-esteem and confidence. A full, radiant smile is often associated with health, youth, and beauty. Therefore, a lost tooth can make individuals self-conscious about their appearance, causing them to smile less, avoid social interactions, or even experience anxiety and depression. These emotional impacts underscore the importance of addressing tooth loss promptly and effectively.

dental implants perth

Consequences for Oral Health

Beyond the physical and psychological impacts, missing teeth can also lead to dental health issues. The gap left by a missing tooth can become a breeding ground for bacteria, increasing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Additionally, as the remaining teeth shift to fill the gap, it can lead to uneven wear and tear, making the other teeth more susceptible to damage and decay.

Moreover, as mentioned earlier, tooth loss can lead to bone deterioration over time due to the lack of stimulation, which can affect the health of the surrounding teeth and potentially lead to further tooth loss.

Advantages of Dental Implants Perth

Dental implant treatment is widely recognised as the gold standard for tooth replacement due to its numerous advantages. These benefits range from aesthetic improvements to enhanced dental health and functionality, making dental implants appealing for those looking to replace missing teeth.

Improved Appearance

One of the most noticeable benefits of dental implants is their significant improvement in one’s appearance. Dental implants are designed to look and feel like natural teeth. The custom-made dental implant crown is carefully designed to match the surrounding teeth’ color, shape, and size, resulting in a natural-looking restoration that blends perfectly with your smile. Additionally, since dental implants stimulate bone growth, they help maintain facial structure and prevent bone loss that can lead to a sunken or aged appearance.

Enhanced Oral Health

Dental implants also contribute greatly to oral health. Unlike dental bridges, which require the reduction of adjacent teeth to support the prosthetic, dental implants are standalone structures that don’t compromise the health of surrounding teeth.

In addition, the space left by a missing tooth can increase the risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Dental implants fill this space and reduce the risk of these conditions. Also, the durable and non-porous materials used in a dental implant are resistant to decay, further promoting dental health.

Increased Comfort and Functionality

Dental implants offer superior comfort and functionality compared to traditional dentures or bridges. Because they are securely anchored into the jaw bone, they provide stable support for artificial teeth, eliminating the discomfort and slippage often associated with dentures.

Moreover, a dental implant functions like a natural tooth, allowing you to confidently eat, speak, and smile. There are no dietary restrictions, as your dental implant can withstand the force of biting and chewing all types of food. Their stability and strength restore not just your smile but also your natural speech, which can be affected by lost teeth or poorly fitted dentures.

Dental Implant Procedure: Step-By-Step

Getting tooth implants is a process that takes place over several appointments and involves careful planning and precise execution.

Here’s a step-by-step overview of what you can expect during the tooth implant procedure.

Initial Consultation

The journey to a new smile begins with an initial consultation. During this visit, your dentist or oral surgeon will conduct a thorough examination, which typically includes X-rays and sometimes a CT scan, to assess your dental health and the condition of your jaw bone. This assessment helps determine that you have a healthy jaw bone and are a good candidate for teeth implants and if any preliminary procedures, like bone grafting, are required to prepare your jaw bone for the implant.

The dentist will also discuss your treatment options, explain the dental implant surgery in detail, and answer any questions. After assessing your needs and preferences, a customized treatment plan will be created.

The Surgical Procedure

The next step is the surgery itself. After administering a local anesthetic (or sedation, if preferred), the dentist or oral surgeon will make a small incision in your gum to expose the bone. A hole will then be drilled into the bone where the implant, a small titanium post, will be placed. This implant acts as an artificial tooth root.

Once the implant is placed, the gum is stitched closed over the implant. Sometimes, a temporary dental crown might be placed for aesthetic purposes. The implant will then be left to heal and integrate with the bone, a process known as osseointegration. This healing process can take several weeks to a few months.

After the implant fully integrates with the bone, a second minor surgery is performed to attach an abutment to the implant. The abutment serves as the base for your new tooth. Once the abutment is in place and the surrounding gum tissue has healed, an impression of your mouth will be taken to create your custom crown.

dental implants perth

Post-Surgical Care

The final step is placing the crown and restoring your tooth. Your dentist will ensure the crown fits perfectly and matches the color of your surrounding teeth, providing you with a natural-looking and fully functional tooth.

After your dental implant procedure, proper care is crucial to ensure the longevity of your implant. Good oral hygiene, regular dental check-ups, and a healthy lifestyle can help maintain dental implants and overall dental health.

Types of Dental Implants Perth

In implant dentistry, several types of dental implants are available, offering a range of solutions to meet different patient needs. Dental implants in Perth, whether used to replace a single tooth or stabilise loose dentures, offer a long-term solution to tooth loss. Here, we’ll explore the main types of dental implants used in dental treatment: Endosteal implants, Subperiosteal implants, Zygomatic implants, and All-on-4 dental implants.

Endosteal Implants

Endosteal implants are the most commonly used type of dental implant. These titanium dental implants are placed directly into the jaw bone and designed to mimic your teeth’ root structure. Once the gum tissue has healed, a custom-made crown is attached to the implant, resulting in a sturdy, natural-looking replacement tooth. Endosteal implants can be used in single-tooth implant treatment, multiple teeth replacement, or to secure a full denture.

Subperiosteal Implants

Subperiosteal dental implants offer an alternative solution for patients with insufficient jaw bone volume or density and who are not suitable for, or do not wish to undergo, a bone augmentation procedure. These implants are placed under the gum tissue but on, or above, the jaw bone, providing a sturdy base for replacement teeth without invasive surgery.

Zygomatic Implants

Zygomatic implants are the least common type but can be a suitable option for people who have suffered significant bone loss in the upper jaw. These are the longest type of implant anchored into the zygomatic (cheek) bone rather than the jaw bone. The placement of Zygomatic implants is a more complex procedure and is usually considered only when other options are not feasible.

All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 dental implants refer to a procedure where four strategically placed implants support an entire arch of replacement teeth. This innovative technique can be an ideal solution for patients who have lost all their teeth in one or both jaws. It offers a quicker and often more cost-effective alternative to placing an individual implant for each missing tooth.

Applications of Dental Implants

Dental implants offer a versatile solution in tooth replacement, with their use spanning a single dental implant to a full mouth reconstruction.

Single Tooth Implant

As the name suggests, this involves using one dental implant to replace a missing tooth.

Multiple Teeth Replacement

When several teeth in a row are missing, multiple dental implants can be placed to support a fixed bridge.

Implant Supported Dentures

Implant-supported denture presents a breakthrough solution for individuals who have lost all of their teeth. Unlike traditional dentures, which may slip and cause discomfort, an implant-supported denture is anchored securely onto dental implants embedded in the jaw bone. This firm foundation offers unparalleled stability, ensuring the dentures remain in place while eating, speaking, and smiling. As a result, wearers can enjoy a boost in confidence and drastically improve their ability to enjoy food and social interactions, as they no longer have to worry about unstable dentures.

Potential Risks and Complications

Dental implant treatments are generally successful, but like any medical or dental procedure, they come with potential risks and complications. These risks could range from minor to severe, depending on various factors like the individual’s health status, the skill of the dental implant clinic’s team, and the patient’s adherence to good oral hygiene practices after the procedure.

One of the most significant potential complications is implant failure, which could happen for several reasons. It may occur if the jaw bone does not fuse properly with the implant. It could also happen if there’s an infection or the patient’s immune system rejects the implant.

Surgical Risks

During the procedure of placing tooth implants, there are several risks involved, which can include:

Infection at the implant site

Injury or damage to surrounding structures, such as other teeth or blood vessels

Nerve damage, which can cause pain, numbness, or tingling in your natural teeth, gums, lips, or chin

Sinus problems when dental implants placed in the upper jaw protrude into one of your sinus cavities.

However, it’s important to note that while these risks are associated with dental implant surgery, problems are rare and usually minor when they do occur.

Long-term Complications

Proper oral hygiene is crucial for the success of dental implant treatments. Without it, plaque and bacteria can build up around the implant, leading to peri-implantitis. This inflammatory condition affects the gum tissue and can lead to bone loss in the jaw, potentially resulting in implant failure.

Mitigating Risks and Complications

The risk of complications from dental implant treatment can be mitigated in several ways. First, it’s important to choose a reputable dental implant clinic with a skilled team that has extensive experience with the procedure.

Proper oral hygiene is also essential. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups can prevent plaque build-up, inflammation, and infection. Moreover, regular follow-ups with the dental clinic can ensure that any potential complications are identified and treated early. It can help to ensure the long-term success of the dental implant.

Lastly, lifestyle factors can also impact the success of dental implants. Smoking, for instance, can hinder healing and increase the risk of complications. Thus, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also contribute to the successful outcome of dental implant treatment.

Alternatives to Dental Implant Surgery

While dental implants provide a permanent and highly effective solution for tooth loss, they may not be the right choice for everyone. Some individuals may opt for alternative tooth replacement solutions depending on various factors such as oral health, personal preferences, budget, and lifestyle. Two common alternatives to dental implants are dentures and dental bridges.


There are different types of dentures, including full and partial dentures or removable partial dentures. Complete or full dentures replace all the teeth in either the upper or lower jaw or both. They rest directly on the gums and can be removed for cleaning.

Partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain. They consist of replacement teeth attached to a gum-coloured plastic base, often connected by a metal framework that holds the denture in the mouth. A removable partial denture is a versatile and less invasive option. They can be removed and reinserted by the patient, providing more flexibility. They can be a good choice for those who are not ready or not suitable for dental implants or fixed bridges.

Dental Bridge

A dental bridge is another commonly used method for replacing teeth. It bridges the gap created by one or more missing teeth. The bridge comprises two or more crowns for the teeth on either side of the gap — these two or more anchoring teeth are called abutment teeth — and a false tooth/teeth in between. The false teeth are called pontics and can be made from gold, alloys, porcelain, or a combination of these materials.

The Dental Implants Cost

In Perth, Australia, dental implant costs vary depending on several factors, such as the number of implants needed, the complexity of the procedure, and whether additional treatments like a sinus lift or bone grafts are required. A single implant with an implant crown and abutment starts from $3500 AUD. Full-mouth dental implants can range from $20,000 AUD per upper or lower jaw to $25,000 AUD per arch.

Insurance Coverage

It’s also important to note that the cost of dental implants could potentially be covered in part or in full by certain dental insurance plans. However, coverage can vary widely based on the specific terms and conditions of an individual’s insurance policy. It’s best to check directly with your insurance provider to understand what coverage is available for dental implants.

Frequently Asked Questions about Perth Dental Implants

Is dental implant safe?

Dental implants are generally safe and considered one of dentistry’s most predictable procedures. As with any surgical procedure, risks are involved, but these are minimised when a skilled professional performs the procedure at a reputable dental implant clinic.

How long does the dental implant procedure take?

The duration of the dental implant procedure depends on several factors, including the number of implants, the need for additional procedures such as bone grafting or sinus lifts, and the individual’s overall health. Generally, the process can take several months to over a year, including healing and recovery.

How painful is the dental implant procedure?

While the dental implant procedure involves surgery, pain is usually managed effectively with local anaesthesia during the procedure. Afterwards, patients may experience some discomfort, but this can typically be controlled with over-the-counter pain relievers.

What is the recovery time after getting a dental implant?

Recovery time varies depending on the individual and the complexity of the procedure, but most people can return to normal activities within a few days. Full healing and integration of the implant into the jaw bone can take several months.

How long does my dental implant last?

With proper oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups, a dental implant can last many years, often for a lifetime. However, the crown or replacement tooth may need to be replaced every 10-15 years due to normal wear and tear.

Can the body reject dental implants?

While dental implants are made from biocompatible materials and are generally well-accepted by the body, there may be instances of implant failure. Failure may be due to infection, inadequate bone density, or other health issues such as uncontrolled diabetes.

How do I take care of my dental implants?

Caring for dental implants is similar to caring for your natural teeth. Here are some basic steps you should follow:

Brush and Floss Regularly: Use a soft-bristle toothbrush to clean your dental implants at least twice daily. Use non-abrasive toothpaste to avoid scratching the surface of the implants. Flossing at least once daily is important to remove plaque and food particles that can accumulate around the implant.

Use an Interdental Brush: An interdental brush can help clean hard-to-reach areas around the implants.

Rinse with an Antibacterial Mouthwash: An antibacterial mouthwash can help kill bacteria that brushing and flossing might miss.

Avoid Hard and Sticky Foods: Hard and sticky foods can damage the implant crown.

Quit Smoking: Smoking can slow healing and lead to implant failure.

Regular Dental Check-ups: Regular visits to the dentist can help ensure that your dental implants are in good condition and that any issues are identified and treated early.

Remember that while implants are designed to be durable and long-lasting, they are not invincible. Proper care is essential to maintaining their function and appearance. Always follow the specific care instructions provided by your dentist or oral surgeon.

Who is the ideal candidate for dental implants?

The ideal candidate for dental implants is in good oral and general health, has the sufficient bone in the jaw to support the implant, and has healthy gum tissues free of periodontal disease.

Can smokers get dental implant?

While it’s possible for smokers to get dental implants, smoking increases the risk of complications and can slow down the healing process. It’s recommended to quit smoking before undergoing the procedure.

What is the success rate of dental implants?

The success rate of dental implants is high, typically above 95%. However, success can depend on the location of the implant in the jaw, the patient’s overall health, and the expertise of the dental professional.

Are dental implants noticeable?

No, dental implants are not noticeable. The crown or replacement tooth attached to the implant is designed to blend in with your normal teeth, making it virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth.

Can I eat normally after getting dental implants?

Yes, once your new dental implant has fully healed and integrated with the jawbone, you should be able to eat normally. One of the benefits of dental implants is that they function just like natural teeth.

How do dental implants compare to dentures or bridges?

Dental implants offer several advantages over dentures and bridges, including improved comfort, stability, and a more natural appearance. They also help preserve the jawbone, which can deteriorate when teeth are missing.

Acts Dental: Best Dental Implants in Perth

Discover a world of unmatched dental services at Acts Dental, your trusted partner for exceptional care in Perth. We specialise in giving you a new tooth through our state-of-the-art dental implants Perth service. Our commitment to providing affordable dental implants ensures everyone can achieve a radiant smile without worrying about dental implants cost. Whether it’s a single dental implant or full-mouth dental implants, our highly experienced dentists are ready to meet your needs. Partnering with leading health insurers like HBFHCF, NIBBupa and Medibank, we make quality dental care accessible to all. Start your dental implant journey with us today by calling our clinic in South Perth at (08) 9474 5083.

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