Nib Preferred Provider Dentist in Perth

We are part of the Nib First Choice Dental network, a community of specially selected health providers committed to delivering quality care and value for money. Under your nib cover, you will receive a fixed percentage back on your treatment when you visit our dental practice in Perth. This arrangement will result in lower out-of-pocket costs for you.

Nib referred provider dentist in Perth

Contact Us for More Information

At Acts Dental Care, we're dedicated to helping you understand your dental insurance benefits clearly. Additionally, we offer HICAPS quotes for any suggested dental treatments, ensuring you have all the necessary details. Please contact us to discuss your insurance cover and entitlements. For the most accurate information on your cover, waiting periods, and yearly limits, it is always best to contact your private health insurance provider directly.

Our Dentists

Dr Roya Moulavi Dentist

Dr Roya Moulavi

Dr Rosemary Delaney

Dr Ken Ling Dentist

Dr Ken Ling

Dr Te Ming Saw Dentist

Dr Te Ming Saw

Dentist Joanne Tan

Dr Joanne Tan

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